Thanks for visiting Brosaka Blogs. I'm excited to share about myself, what God is doing in Osaka Japan, and I'm looking forward to connecting with you! I hope you enjoy learning more about how God is at work.
My Story
I am from small town south Texas. The 3rd of 4 kids I grew up in a Christian home but was not at all a Christian myself. I was trying to fill the God sized hole in my heart with anything I could. Nothing worked and praise God that in my freshman year of highschool God grabbed a hold of my heart. He showed me the weight of my sin and the bigger weight of His grace. I was in need of a savior and the only way back to God was by trusting in the finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross. A few years after surrendering my life to Christ I went on my first mission trip to the jungles of Nicaragua. God used that trip to show me that the world was so much bigger then my hometown. There were millions of people in the world who have never heard of Jesus and had little to no access to the gospel. I wanted to do more, but it took a few more years before I surrendered to the specific way God wanted me to fulfill the Great Commission in my life.
I went to Japan a year after the triple disaster in 2011. While doing humanitarian work in the north my heart broke for the people of Japan and their need for Jesus Christ. I felt I was home and wanted to stay but knew I needed training. So I went to college and seminary. After 6 years of studying I moved home to prepare to go and a year later applied with the International Mission Board IMB to go to Osaka Japan for 3 years. I moved there at the hight of Covid in 2020 and had an incredible 3 years of growing, serving, building relationships and friendships, preaching, teaching and so much more. I am currently on my second term doing full time Japanese Language School for the next 4 years looking and praying for any opportunity to not only live the love of Christ, but to share it through the gospel to any who might listen.
Our Team in Osaka
The team is Saturate Osaka. We are a group of IMB missionaries passionate and committed to taking the Gospel message to the people of Osaka Japan. We are seeking to saturate the city with prayer, evangelism, healthy church plants, healthy church growth, and discipleship. We also seek to create healthy community with nationals fostering opportunities to show them the love of Christ and that Christ is worth following. Doing all of this through events held either at our team office, one of our numerous church partners, or volunteer teams.
If you'd like to learn more about our team, our vision, or how you can be involved individually or with your church visit our team website by clicking on learn more below.